Tuesday, May 6, 2014


My Name is Kevin and I am a sophomore at East Stroudsburg University. I am studying Health and Physical Education. I hope to educate children on living healthy in the future. This blog is for my world regional geography class. It is meant to introduce you to a new culture from a different part of the world. I will be talking about the Toda people from Southeast India. They are very interesting, and not a lot of people have heard about them. I hope you enjoy reading!


The toda people do not migrate. They have always been in the Nilgrili Hills. They do have migrants from all over India. still this number of people is also low. this information was limited. as you can see in my references.
Toda people outside their home









There is an abundance of birds in South East Asia. The Toda people do not hunt the birds. I could not find any significance that the birds in the area had on the Toda people.
File:Great-Hornbill.jpgFile:Crested Serpent Eagle-Spilornis cheela.jpg
               Great Hornbill                          Black  Eagle
Theses are just two of  over 70 types of birds. With every type there is more specific sub sets too.

To see all the birds in the area click the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_of_South_India

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Toda's closet neighbors are the Kota people. They have a very similar dialect. However it is not the same. Also the Kota people have been know as being less friendly to visitors. They are also neighbors with the Kubra people. The all have coexisted peacefully. however the Toda are very different theen both of their neighbors. This is what draws quite a bit of attention to them.   

"Before the 18th century, the Toda coexisted locally with other communities, including the Kota, and Kuruba, in a loose caste-like community organisation in which the Toda were the top ranking." Their population has remained the same for the past century. They have just recently stopped practicing child marriage. They want to be a part of the modern world, however they do not want to lose any of their customs or religion.   



Population- 700 to 900

Cattle herders and dairy workers


Get all food from nature. 

They eat dairy products and rice mostly. 

They have a small population but it is steady so they are not declining or losing population.

They continue to live of the land and do things the same way they always have while still adapting to a constantly evolving world. 

They do not want to fall behind, but they still strive to keep their culture in tact. 

However they used to be more of a pastoral people and are being pressed in to becoming more of an agricultural society.